New York City is a location far away from the Blue's Clues House in Blue's Big City Adventure & Rock On, Rainbow Puppy!
- Central Park
- Grand Central Station
- Rainbow Puppy's Theater
- Piano Store
- Time Square
- NYC Public Library
- New York Park (or Big City Playground)
- New York Hospital (a.k.a. Big City Medical Clinic)
- New York School (a.k.a. Big City College)
- New York Factory
- New York Bank
- New York Film Cinemas (a.k.a Big City Movie Theaters)
- New York Art Studio
- New York Airport
- New York Grocery Store
- New York Fire Department
- New York Jail (a.k.a. jail)
- New York Hair Salon
- Brooklyn City Gas Station
- New York Car Wash
- New York Arcade
- New York Zoo
- New York Cafe (sometimes called Big City Restaurant or maybe Big City Diner)
- New York Library
- New York Museum
- New York Post Office (or simply Mail Office)
- New York Construction Headquarters (or simply called Big City Construction, LLC)
- Miranda’s House (also called Magenta’s House)
- Josh’s House (also called Blue’s House)
- Blue Prints Detective Agency (sometimes called Steve’s Office)
- Joe’s Store (or maybe called Present Store)
- The Blue’s Clues House and Magenta's house both appeared in "Blue's Big City Adventure".
- New York Was Animated In Rock On, Rainbow Puppy!