"Blue's Countdown Celebration" is the twenty-sixth episode of the season four and the eighty-sixth episode overall in the reboot series of Blue's Clues & You!
Josh and Blue host an epic Top Ten Song Countdown Celebration, featuring ten incredible songs from previous episodes!
- Blue
- Josh
- Sidetable Drawer (video and inanimate cameo)
- Slippery Soap
- Mailbox (video and credits)
- Magenta (video and credits)
- Orange Kitten (video)
- Purple Kangaroo (video)
- Sun (video)
- Lola (video)
- Rainbow (video)
- Joe (video)
- Boris (video)
- Felicia (video)
- Tickety Tock (video)
- T-Rex (video)
- Triceratops (video)
- Stegosaurus (video)
- Rainbow Puppy (video and credits)
- Living room picture: A Rainbow Piano.
- 10. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work (from Building with Blue)
- 9. The Wheels on the Bus (from Blue's Show and Tell Surprise)
- 8. Planets Song (from Science with Blue)
- 7. I'm Filipino (from Feelin' Filipino)
- 6. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (from Sleepy Singalong with Blue)
- 5. Here Comes a Rainbow (from Blue's Rainy Day Rainbow)
- 4. Old MacDonald Had a Farm (from Bluestock)
- 3. Everyone Can Play (from Blue's Big Beat Band)
- 2. Dinos I Know (from Blue's Dino Clues)
- 1. You Are Beautiful (from Rainbow Puppy's Skidoo Adventure)
Watch Episode[]
- This is the first Blue's Clues and You episode of the reboot to not have the Blue's Clues game played.
- This is the second episode to be a clip show, with the first being 100th Episode Celebration from the original series.
- The clues that were seen were from Spring is Here!, Blue's Big Beat Band, The Ghost of the Living Room, Growing with Blue, Joshini The Amazing, Hide and Seek with Blue, Blue's Treasure Hunt, Tickety's Big Musical Morning, Welcome to Blue's Bistro, Spooky Costume Party with Blue, Blue's Rainy Day Rainbow, Blue's Show and Tell Surprise, Blue Makes a Movie with You!, Blue's Beach Bonanza, 123's with Blue, Magenta Gets Glasses, Building with Blue, Blue's Snowy Day Surprise, Blue's Show and Tell Surprise, Magenta's Case of the Giggles, Blue and Little Rainbow Riding Hood, What I Like About Blue, Rainbow Puppy's Skidoo Adventure, Playdate with Magenta and Blue's Night Before Christmas.
- This episode honors the 5th anniversary of Blue's Clues & You! and the 25th anniversary of the original Blue’s Clues.
- This is the twenty-third reboot episode where The So Long Song isn't sung with the first twenty-two being "Blue's Night Before Christmas", "Blue's Show and Tell Surprise", "It's Your Birthday!", "The Ghost of the Living Room", "A Blue's Clues Festival of Lights", "Building with Blue", "Rainbow Puppy's Skidoo Adventure", "Blue and Little Rainbow Riding Hood", "Feelin' Filipino", "The Legend of the Jack O'Lantern", "A Blue Christmas with You!", "Blue's Wish Comes True!", "Magenta's Thank You Day Surprise", "The Case of the Missing Thinking Chair", "The Wizard of Skidoo", "Josh's Crummy Day", "Josh and Blue's Ice Cream Shop", "Hola, Mexico City!", "Josh Visits the Philippines!", "Happy Birthday, Sage & Ginger", "If You Don't See It, Be It!" and Blue's Breaking News.
- This episode is the last episode to air during U.S. President's Jimmy Carter's lifetime.